Writers Tips
Crafting Words & Proper Punctuation

Every Opportunity to Write Starts from a 'Thought!'
We have talked about reading often to help perspective and vocabulary experience. This week I would like to talk to you about “Thought”. In my own experience, I listen to my thought…what does that mean? It means when a thought that is interesting to you, is to realize it. I often say, that ‘thought’ I just had could be a poem, or a story! Be aware of your thoughts…they are constant and revealing and the start of any story…start from a ‘thought!”
We said Write Everyday, but here is One Way to Write...
Many times different ‘thoughts’ come to mind as I mentioned above…well, here is key, I sit doing whatever with a ‘doodle pad’. I write thoughts in one word phrases, and one word vocabulary. Write them down! Here is the start of your story…for example, the word ‘birdhouse’, a thought. For example, a word that is new or involved, write it down! For example, I wrote the word ‘disposition’ down, a word I knew but paid attention to when I heard…a great word to use somewhere in my writing. Yes, it is…save it for the right time, poem or story. Next time, I will tell you how to expand this into a more meaningful thought.

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